Kahel OS Linux
Once again another interesting suggestion was recently made on the Request A Review page by a reader so I thought I’d follow up and do a review. This time around it’s Kahel OS. My thanks to reader Molen for the suggestion to review this distro.
Kahel OS is a remastered version of Arch Linux. Arch Linux has a bit of a reputation as not being particularly friendly to average desktop users. Kahel OS is an effort to change that perception and make it easier for people to use Arch Linux.
Kahel OS uses a “rolling release” model which essentially means that you never really have to upgrade it in the traditional sense. You simply update your packages and when you do that you have the latest release automatically. There is no grand jump from one version to the next as there is with other distributions.
Note that there was some controversy in the Arch Linux forums about Kahel OS. I’ll let you draw your own conclusions from the thread itself.
What’s New In This Release
Given that Kahel OS operates on the rolling release model, there isn’t a list of “what’s new” along the lines of what you’d find for Ubuntu or one of the other distributions. I poked around the Kahel OS site just in case to see if there was anything useful to include in this section but I didn’t come across anything.

The login screen has the familiar orange coloring of the desktop.
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Another good review.
Another way of putting Arch Linux on your system is with the Chakra Project: http://chakra-project.org/ Designed by the folks at kde I believe.
Thank you Jim for this review. I will see if I use this distro in the future.
Will you consider Zeven Os and Kanotix for a new review. Thank you!!
Thanks for the positive feedback, guys. Molen I’ll take a peek at those other distros, thanks for the suggestion.
I’ve used KahelOS, what’s new with it compared to Ubuntu for one is its speed. I’ve never seen Ubuntu go this fast. Also, its much easier to use. Sorry for the generality of what i’ve said. maybe next time i’ll be posting specific things i’ve noticed.
Hi Jim, I see Kahel OS as a starting point for those who want a bit more of a head start than Arch. Neither Arch nor Kahel are intended for beginners; they are intended to be “simple” in structure for those who know what they are doing and can take advantage of a simple structure.
Did you know that a simple command: pacman -Syu is enough to completely upgrade a system? Invest one extra moment, and create this alias in .bashrc, then exec bash to reinitialize your shell:
alias ug=’sudo pacman -Syu’ and you can upgrade by typing in ug and Enter.
To create various other aliases is just as simple. To me, the button pushing and the GUI for installation just slows things down, and are not the sweet spot for a distro like this. I create ug, inst, and other aliases when I operate Debian based systems, too, and unless I use a tool, such as smxi, I tend to use apt-get with those aliases rather than synaptic, which I use primarily for searching for packages and installing individual packages (though I often just use apt-cache seach | more to do my package searching.
Regarding Zeven Os and Kanotix for a new review, I have not previously heard of Zeven - would like to hear more. Kanotix was once a great distro - morphed to sidux. Has the Kanotix project resurfaced? Last I saw, 2006-7 was its last activity. Am I mistaken about that?
[...] #KahelOS Produced Out of #Arch #GNU #Linux http://desktoplinuxreviews.com/2009/10/16/kahel-os-linux/ [...]
@ Brian Masinick:
‘only wanted to add a little notice concerning “Kanotix”: It is not ‘dead’ at all, the creator only decided to work things out in “the IRC-underground”; you especially only get a link to freshest .iso’s on this way. Just log in and show your interest. Kanotix is still the ‘ultimate Debian-way’ !
Christian Oelte
What’s nice with this distro is that, when I viewed their Issue tracker, all your comments regarding KahelOS are already posted there to be reviewed!
KahelOS Linux (Desktop Edition) Installer version: 12-25-2009
Sharing and giving, that’s the Spirit of Christmas. And so on this very day of “Gift-Giving”, three months after our first installer release 09-09-2009, we give you the new KahelOS Linux (Desktop Edition) Installer Version: 12-25-2009 . Download installer at http://www.kahelos.org/downloads.php
KahelOS Linux now has Kernel 2.6.32, Xorg 7.5 and Gnome 2.28.2 by default..
We are merry and proud to impart the new KahelOS Linux Installer developed to make it much more simple, easier and refreshing to use:
* Fast, simple and rolling-release Linux Desktop OS.
* Based on Arch Linux
* Faster Bootup Utilizing KMS (Kernel Mode Setting)
* Included familiar apps for mainstream users
-Firefox 3.5.6
-OpenOffice.org 3.1.1
* Added Enhanced and Stable Features for advance Users
* GCM (Gnome Color Management) is installed by Default
* Evolution Groupware
* i686 and x86-64
* Multilingual
* Only 1 CD Installer
For more details on this release: http://www.kahelos.org/newsdetails.php?newsid=39
Happy Holidays!