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cell phone

From: jeb (JIPLUMB)18 Jan 15:58
To: masinick19 Jan 01:401 of 6
I'm looking for a new cell phone. One that can handle data, and texting, and phone. I'm thinking about "Consumer Cellular" but, I'm not sure of which phone to get. I don't want any of the "Apple" products, so, I'm thinking about an android. Price is a consideration, and so many of the reviews are not very good. So--any ideas. and thanks.
From: masinick19 Jan 01:46
To: jeb (JIPLUMB)19 Jan 02:002 of 6
Motorola MOTO X from Verizon Wireless. Good phone quality, good voice and video capabilities, solid data, email, web access, rugged construction and a reasonable price. Get an Otter case for it and it will definitely last through a two year contract, but you can buy one off contract if you prefer for around $350 or about $50 with a two year VZW contract. It is my third Droid and the best one yet.
From: jeb (JIPLUMB)19 Jan 02:02
To: masinick19 Jan 09:353 of 6
Thank You. I'll check it out.
From: masinick19 Jan 09:41
To: jeb (JIPLUMB)19 Jan 14:544 of 6
It may or may not be for you, but it's the best unit for me. I chose it over Samsung Galaxy S4 and Droid MAXX. better value than MAXX and better quality than the S4 in my opinion.

HTC One is raved about too, but I feel more comfortable with Motorola products. I have had three and all three have been reliable for me.
From: dragonmouth19 Jan 14:03
To: jeb (JIPLUMB)19 Jan 14:545 of 6
Disclosure - I do not own a cell phone, smart or dumb, so you may take what I say with a grain of salt.

I would not tie myself down with a contract, I would buy my phone outright. The initial cost will be higher but, in the long run, you will wind up paying more through the chinese water torture of monthly contract payments. It's a case of "pay me now, or pay me later".

Once you own your phone, you get your service from a Mobile Virtual Network Operator. Here's a few write ups on the subject:
From: jeb (JIPLUMB)19 Jan 14:57
To: dragonmouth21 Jan 10:096 of 6
I'm NOT going to do a contract. I'd rather pay monthly for what I use. It won't be Consumer Cellular, the difference between "on-line" and in the store details are far apart. At this point I'm thinking of going with Verizon, But, alas, at times I tend to over think!! (grin)
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